Flexible Coaxial Cable, corrugated copper, 50 Ω nominal, 1/2 in, black PE jacket

Flexible Coaxial Cable

Corrugated copper, 50 Ω nominal, 1/2 in, black PE jacket


  • Material
    • Inner Conductor: Copper clad aluminum wire
    • Dielectric: Foam PE
    • Outer Conductor: Corrugated copper (Annularly)
    • Jacket: PE, Black, Halogen free

Mechanical Data

Parameter Value
Cable Dimension (inch) 1/2
Tensile Strength (N) 1150
Min. Bending Radius (single) (mm) 70
Min. Bending Radius (repeated) (mm) 125
Number of Bends, Minimum (typical) 15 (50)
Recommended Hanger Spacing (m) 0.8
Installation Temperature (℃) -25 ~ +60
Operating Temperature (℃) -40 ~ +85
Storage Temperature (℃) -70 ~ +85

Electrical Data

Parameter Value
Impedance (Ω) 50
Relative Velocity of Propagation (%) 87
Capacitance (pF/m) 76
Inductance (μH/m) 0.190
Maximum Operating Frequency (GHz) 8.8
Cut-off Frequency (GHz) 10.0
Peak Power Rating (kw) 40
DC Breakdown Voltage (V) 6000
Jacket Spark Test Voltage (V) 8000
Return Loss (dB) 800~1000MHz: ≤ -26
1700~2500MHz: ≤ -24
2500~2700MHz: ≤ -24
3300~4000MHz: ≤ -23

Attenuation and Power

Frequency (MHz) Attenuation (dB/100m) Average Power (kw)
100 2.15 3.94
200 3.08 2.75
300 3.81 1.99
400 4.46 1.80
450 4.70 1.75
800 6.35 1.33
900 6.75 1.25
1000 7.20 1.18
1800 9.90 0.86
2000 10.50 0.81
2200 11.10 0.77
2500 11.95 0.73
2700 12.47 0.69
3000 13.20 0.65
3500 14.65 0.58
3600 14.80 0.57
3800 15.32 0.55
4000 15.76 0.53

Standard Conditions:

  • Attenuation at ambient temperature 20°C
  • Average power at ambient temperature 40°C and inner conductor temperature 100°C
  • Maximum attenuation value shall be 105% of the nominal attenuation value
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